Aug 24

Out of Town Guest Bags

Written By Katie

st.louis out of town bags

Can I tell you a secret?

I absolutely love creating out of town bags for wedding guests.  Why you ask?  Because I LOVE sharing the great talents that come out of St. Louis, even in the shape of food!  Your guests are traveling from all over to be a part of your special day, and it is an extremely nice touch to welcome each of them to our beautiful city with a bag that represents the best snack foods we have around!

I loved the above bag because they created a canvas tote bag that was imprinted with I heart STL, very much so like the famous NYC slogan.  It shared information about St. Louis including maps and things to do, which we have PLENTY OF around here!  I could spend an entire day at Forest Park if you let me.

Looking to create your own Out of Town Bags?  If you have under 50 guests, look to find reusable grocery totes to hold your treats for your guests.  They are reasonably priced for packages under 50, and your guests can carry them home with them as well.  Then think about all of the fun city bakeries and shops you have.  For example, most bakeries can do individual tins of a dessert (if you are here in St. Louis, think gooey butter cakes!) or can do smaller bags of their product (for example: mini popcorn bags, chocolates shaped like your skyline).

One last tip, don’t just stop at thinking about the food!  Ask yourself: do I live in a town known for a certain drink or does a company bottle their products here?  I promise that your out of town bags will be something that your guests will talk about as a reminder of your fabulous wedding weekend!

Happy Wedding Wednesday!
