Jan 20

Organizing your Inspiration

Written By Katie

This post is a little different, but I think organization is key for planning a wedding and definitely something you will forever need in your life.  So when I find things that are helpful for myself and for others,  I definitely want to share that with you all.  Being in advertising, I have been exposed to a ton of magazines over the years, and have a ton of favorites that I can literally spend a whole week pouring over.  They range from bridal magazines (of course), DIY type projects, landscaping, house decor, and even recipes.   However, I did not have a cute way to organize all of these inspirations until now.  Recently I stumbled upon this post from Just Something I made and I can’t wait to organize some of my home decor ideas into one place with this idea!


Image courtesy of Just Something I Made

Cathe wrote a great article about organizing inspiration articles and photos into folders at her SC Johnson Family Economics post and even included a pdf of the labels above for everyone to print out themselves.  Visit her post for some additional recommendations on categories she used as well as download the labels for your own folders!

So if you’re like me and love to re-visit these articles and inspiration photos, go out and buy some pocket folders and join me in tearing  articles and photos out that inspire you or you want to keep.  And if  you’re tearing them out for your wedding, slip them in plastic page covers and put them in your wedding planner binder to refer to at meetings with various vendors.  They help tell the story of your style and what you are looking for in your dream wedding.

One response to “Organizing your Inspiration”

  1. Brit says:

    What a great idea!