May 18

Tuesday Shoesday

Written By Katie

This Tuesday Shoesday pick is dedicated to my Ribbon twin, Kate. These shoes are totally up our alley!

Tuesday is so my favorite day of the week now.  Forget Wednesday hump days, shoes make me happy and Tuesday is just a perfect day for all these shoe picks!  Though my new closet may slowly run out of shoe room if I keep wanting to buy everyone’s picks every week!

I love the ribbon and bow detail on these because they seriously would dress up any skirt or pant this summer.  Definitely a must have in the closet.  And if you aren’t a fan of the colors (if you haven’t noticed I LOVE colors), they have it in an awesome natural/black option as well.  Check them out here!

Plus check out my solemate’s picks today! Landlocked BrideGwyneth PaigeSwatchbook Weddings, Meant to Be SentWeddings & Pretty Things and Life in the Super Burbs.  And check out Slice of Lime‘s pick today!

8 responses to “Tuesday Shoesday”

  1. Super Burbs says:

    These shoes make me happy just looking at them!!!

  2. Dognbird says:

    Ribbon delight! These shoes are adorable.

  3. Brit says:

    LOVE the ribbon detailing!

  4. those shoes are so cute!!

  5. Angela says:

    Just so adorable!

  6. Awww – those are so ladylike! I LOVE THEM!!!

  7. jan says:

    sooooooo cute!!!

  8. Jenn Giles says:

    these are lovely. Grant is always teasing that I love ribbon and polka like a school girl. Perhaps I should put the queen of shoes on the hunt? My wedding shoes and I have yet to lay eyes on each other…