Jun 29

Tuesday Shoesday

Written By Katie

purple shoe

These shoes are like a little present.  I adore!  Also find it in a pink/orange combo here on Zappos.

Our Tuesday Shoesday list has grown so much!  Check out  Landlocked BrideGwyneth PaigeSwatchbook Weddings, Meant to Be SentWeddings & Pretty ThingsLife in the Super BurbsSlice of LimeApril Foster Events,  Lauren Kelly Events and our new Tuesday Shoesday friends Swoon Over It Photography and Bellwether Events!

7 responses to “Tuesday Shoesday”

  1. Dognbird says:

    How cute! Like a little gift for your feet.

  2. Jenn Giles says:

    these are adorable. i think i like the pink ones best! such a cute bow!

  3. Super Burbs says:

    Bird – you hit the nail on the head -these are a little present for your feet!

  4. Brit says:

    Is it sad that I knew these were Kate Spade before ever clicking on that Zappos link? I know that color combo like the color of my eyes. And, I need these!