Mar 30

Tuesday Shoesday

Written By Katie

I may have lost my favorite sandals the day of our wedding, but if I had these Coach sandals, they would make up for the ones I lost at the hotel.

Image by Todd Studios

Don’t you love those gold specks on the flower petal?  They look comfy and cute for the upcoming spring season!  Happy Tuesday Shoesday everyone! And be sure to check out Landlocked Bride, Gwyneth Paige, Swatchbook Weddings, Meant to Be Sent and Life in the Super Burbs today for their picks!

5 responses to “Tuesday Shoesday”

  1. Sorry to hear you lost your sandals, but these are a stunning replacement. I cannot wait for sandal season here. xoxo

  2. Brit says:

    Those would be perfect with the coral dress I just bought!

  3. Angela says:

    Oh I want these. I mean, NEED these!!! Brit’s right, these would look perfect with a bright Spring dress!

  4. Dognbird says:

    Doing my Tuesday Shoesday rounds, these are so darling I want to give myself a pedi and dream about having them.

  5. Katie says:

    I have been searching ALL night for these! A local bride had them for her wedding so surely I can track down somewhere for us!