Apr 13

Tuesday Shoesday

Written By Katie

Some days I feel like bringing out the retro style, and these qualify as a retro wedge purchase that I may have to make for my closet! Stylish bow, pretty polka dots, what’s not to love!

Available in five different colors at Macy’s and they are on sale for $49.99!  Be sure to check out Landlocked BrideGwyneth PaigeSwatchbook Weddings, Meant to Be Sent, Weddings & Pretty Things and Life in the Super Burbs today for their picks!

6 responses to “Tuesday Shoesday”

  1. I LOVE THESE!!!! I will take one of each color please.

  2. Super Burbs says:

    Perfect for summer and so classic! I am in love 🙂

  3. Angela says:


  4. robyn says:

    so chic…love the navy!

  5. Emily says:

    Those are too super cute, loving the yellow ones. I think I need those for a few weddings I am attending this summer.

  6. Brit says:

    These would be perfect with a pair of khaki shorts. Totally prep!