Feb 10

Paper Heart DIY Project

Written By Katie

paper hearts

Image from Martha Stewart Weddings

1.  You will need to download the Paper Cutting Template created by Martha Stewart Weddings

2.  You can also download the red heart template from Martha Stewart Weddings that goes behind the paper cutting heart.  You could trace and cut this out on any color cardstock.

3.  Fold the colored piece of paper that you want to cut the detail out of in half, and tape the template to it.

4.  Use a craft knife to cut out all shapes

5. Using spray adhesive, attach the paper heart with cut out details to the other full heart that you have cut out already

You could use this to create a card for your hunny for Valentine’s Day, or put it in a small shadow box to give him a small but meaningful gift.  Remember that tradition states that your first anniversary gift should have something to do with paper, and this could be a cute paper idea to give him.

Happy Crafting!

One response to “Paper Heart DIY Project”

  1. Dognbird says:

    I adore papercuts. Want to make this for my fiance!