Apr 6

Tuesday Shoesday

Written By Katie

Loving these nautical style sandals!  This winter was far too long, I am so in the mood for cute shoes to wear with skirts and dresses!   These shoes are from Zappos and they are the “Marsha Sandal.” Super cute name too!

Happy Tuesday Shoesday everyone! And be sure to check out Landlocked Bride, Gwyneth Paige, Swatchbook Weddings, Meant to Be Sent and Life in the Super Burbs today for their picks!

6 responses to “Tuesday Shoesday”

  1. Super Burbs says:

    Nautical + shoes = perfection!

  2. Brit says:

    Love a good pair of espadrilles!

  3. I knew Abby would love these! 🙂

    I love them too!

  4. Angela says:

    OoOOOoo! I love these!! Awesome pick!!

  5. Dognbird says:

    I love a cork wedge and peeptoe!

  6. Katie says:

    I know! these got a big thumbs up from my husband too! might just be my birthday present to myself! 🙂